Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Least Likely

Oh, my. I am the person listed as "least likely to respond to the email" on those great "Learn about you" email spams, oh, I mean email inquiries. But here I've been "tagged" by my dear husband (who also coerced me into this blog. Did I say "coerce"?) LOL

I had to figure out what "tagged" meant so I went to the blog of a dear friend ( and see that I'm supposed to answer the following questions:
1) What I was doing 10 years ago Ten years ago I was preparing to go to Provo to help Amanda with the birth of her oldest son, our first grandchild. And watching for police as my husband "stole" his own car (See

2) 5 things on my list to do today Add to this blog, watch Brooklyn & Jerred, finish laundry from yesterday, fix dinner, get Amanda's mail ready to get into the mail.

3) Things I would do if I was suddenly a billionaire Buy houses for each of my girls, travel with Paul from home to home of my daughters (LOL, evil LOL)

4) 3 of my bad habits I eat too much, exercise too little. Don't read my scriptures often enough

5) Places I have lived Seattle, Sumner, St. Louis, Bonney Lake, Puyallup

6) Things most people don't know about me. I have difficulty socializing in large groups, social events.

So, now I'm supposed to "tag" someone. Yikes, like the only people I know who read this blog are Paul and myself. Maybe Amanda, so I guess, due to the process of elimination, it's you, Amanda. No "tag backs" right?


Amanda said...

I may not be able to tag you back but I'll figure out a way to make you pay! hehe

Everybody already knows what I was doing 10 years ago though...remember the walk after I took the caster oil! hahahaha good times.

Amanda said...


See my blog for details. WOOT!