Sunday, March 2, 2008

Diamond: New Beginnings

Yesterday President Ronald McCombs met with Paul and I to release him as bishop. It was a wonderful meeting, a miraculous meeting actually and I am eternally grateful for the reality of revelation.

Today Paul was released and we sustained Dennis Doutre as our new bishop. A kind man with a wonderful family. We are excited to sustain him and will pray for him and his family!

But I have a question: What am I to do with my husband? He's been "gone" for over 13 years on Sundays and usually 3-4 evenings a week, and a few Saturdays! That's over 38% of our married life!!!!!!!!!!!

Now I like him, we spent 10 days together last month and had a wonderful time... I love him more than words can say...

Let's have some suggestions folks! Perhaps we can come up with a "Top Ten" list of Things to do with Your Husband. (And remember, this is a "G" rated blog!)


Pb said...

The poor man has been gone so much I suggest that you wait on him hand and foot. Perhaps have his slippers and robe waiting for him at the door with his favorite beverage. A biscotti would be nice.

Diane said...

Hmmmmmmm, a nope :-)

Amanda said...

Hot Air Balloon rides
Dancing lessons
Do some Family History detective Europe
Get a GPS locator and a list of used book stores to explore
Pick a quest...finding the worlds best bowl of clam chowder, a first edition book, Keanu Reeve's shoes...and take a little time every week to go questing.
Spontaneous visits to Portland!!